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The Preacher that took the World by Storm!

More than 2 Billion People worldwide tuned in to watch the Royal Wedding and it is fair to say that the most surprising moment was provided by one man; Bishop Michael Curry. His appearance was clearly a departure from traditional Royal Weddings but what it achieved for Christianity in the United Kingdom is beyond significant. Thousands upon thousands took to Social Media with some saying that 'if Church is like this I'll start going'.

The reaction to Bishop Curry suggests that to attract those who don't attend Church, Churches need to adapt. Clearly a more fun, passionate approach attracts a demographic which most Churches are currently missing.

Every Church will say that they are friendly and Welcoming but that is not the case if they don't adapt to provide ministry that suits them. This doesn't require wholesale changes, in fact at Blaby Congregational Church we already have a range of Ministers taking Services throughout the year. This range of Ministers means that Services can appeal to a wide range of people and ensure that God's message is delivered to as many people as possible.

We'd love to get to know you at Blaby Congregational Church, why not try out a few of our Services to see what we can offer you.

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As a Church we have been worshipping in Park Road for over 90 years. Our Sunday morning service is from 10am to 11am.  


Blaby Congregational Church

Park Road



United Kingdom


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