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A different look at Prayer

Unfortunately the preacher booked for Sunday 14th July (Richard Norburn) was unable to attend due to illness and so we were grateful that only the day before a member of our Church, Gavin, agreed to lead worship.

Person Praying

Gavin prepared an informative and entertaining service with a look at prayer and the words of Jesus which was presented with the help of volunteers from the congregation. Thank you to Kevin, Val, Mary, Susan, Malcolm, Georgina and David for taking part.

Following on from the service at the end of June led by the Church Council where we listened to a choral version of The Lord's Prayer to help us to concentrate on the meaning of the words, Gavin began by looking at The Lord's Prayer. Kevin and Val read a dramatic version where God responded when addressed by the person reciting The Lord's Prayer before bed and made pointed comments to make them think about what they were saying and how they should behave differently - particularly when forgiving others!

Susan then read Show Me The Way by Wendy Craig which is a prayerful plea for guidance from God, something we have all done from time to time when we do not know which path to follow.

Humour followed with a reading of The Tourists Prayer by Art Buchwald as published in the Los Angeles Times. We could all relate to many of prayers listed, especially that the plane is not hijacked and our luggage not lost!

After our congregation prayers of confession and intercession for those friends and family who need God's healing Gavin spoke on the words "Sir, We would see Jesus" which can be found on the pulpit plaque of his home Church in Clydebank. An insightful talk about Jesus talking with Nicodemus it was obvious that Nicodemus knew Jesus as the Messiah even if he could not protect him from the other members of the Sanhedrin.

The service concluded with a reading of the Words of Jesus which tell us that if we pray for the right things our prayers will be answered. Some of the words are reproduced here:

My peace I give to you. Do not be afraid.

I call you my friend. Abide in my love. Even the hairs of your head are numbered.

Follow me. I am the way for you. I am the life for you. I am the truth for you. Blessed are your eyes for they see.

Abide in me and I in you. I will drink wine with you in the Kingdom of God.

You will shine like the sun. You are in me and I in you. Ask and it will be given to you.

Our final hymn fitted completely with the theme of the service (thank you Malcolm)

"O let the Son of God enfold you, with His Spirit ands His Love. Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul."

We thank Gavin for putting the service together and leading the worship on Sunday and we wish Richard Norburn a speedy recovery and hope that he will visit us soon to lead worship.

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