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New Year, New You?

Happy New Year to you all.

At the start of 2020 have you made any New year Resolutions? Perhaps you want to get a greater understanding of God or to become closer to Him? Maybe you are lonely or bored and want a fuller social life or more friends?

Well at Blaby Congregational Church we can help you to fulfil your resolutions this year!

For those wanting more knowledge of God or a closer relationship with him why not come along to our monthly Bible Study? Usually held on the 4th Wednesday of every month (the first one of the year is 29th January) we meet as a small group usually in someone's home in Blaby to follow a prepared Bible Study and discuss our thoughts with each other over tea or coffee. This is a joint study with people from All Saint's in Blaby. For more information check the dates on our events page or complete the Contact Us form for details of the venue which Julie our Pastor will respond to.

We also hold a weekly Bible Study during Lent, the first date for this will be Wednesday 4th March and each study will be held in the Congregational Church Schoolroom. The preceding Wednesday is Ash Wednesday so we will also meet on that evening at the Ash Wednesday Service at All Saint's Church.

Our Prayer Group is also held monthly usually on the second Wednesday evening of the month at the Congregational Church.

We welcome everyone to come along on a Sunday morning to our morning service, where after an inspiring message, prayer, hymns and Bible readings we join together for fellowship and chat over refreshments. Don't be shy, you will be greeted with a smile!

If you would like to make friends or need someone to talk to then our new Friday Social mornings which will be on the second Friday of each month at 10am could be the place to start. Sit and chat or join someone for a game or a jigsaw, we also serve hot drinks and snacks and are open to suggestions for other activities or subjects for invited speakers.

People chatting and laughing

Another opportunity to meet others is also on a Friday; the fourth Friday in the month is our Friday lunch, from 12pm we serve a two course lunch for a small charge which varies according to the menu.

From April onwards on the third Saturday each month we hold a sociable Coffee Morning with proceeds going to a different charity each month, for more information check the dates on our events page

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As a Church we have been worshipping in Park Road for over 90 years. Our Sunday morning service is from 10am to 11am.  


Blaby Congregational Church

Park Road



United Kingdom


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