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Bible Study

Our Bible study group meets monthly - usually on the last Wednesday of the month but can vary due to other committments of Pastor Julie, and is currently being held via Zoom.

We started a Zoom meeting because of Covid restrictions on being together in person but we have found that it has been a much more convenient way of meeting for many people who are able to logon to their computer after the evening meal without rushing out to travel to a meeting which is especially valuble in the winter months. We still feel the same sense of fellowship and we will be continuing to meet on Zoom for the forseeable future.

Our studies are very informal, everyone has a chance to voice their opinion if they would like to, however we do follow a Bible study program with a theme chosen by the Pastor.

The Bible Study group allows us to delve deeper into the meaning and message of the Bible than we do in our Sunday services.

A new study theme starts on Wednesday 25th August and will be on the 12 disciples covered over the next 10 sessions based on the Lifebuilder Bible Study "The Twelve Disciples" by Douglas Connelly

Jesus had about three years to mould a dozen fearful and faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement. Despite this brief window, time spent with Jesus had a transforming effect on each of them, most would be inspired and emboldened to proclaim him as the Saviour against great opposition. Through these ten studies we too can experience the deep change that only time in Jesus’s presence can bring.

The author explains "As we study how Jesus made disciples we can expect to grow as disciples, and we can expect to hear a new call in our lives to follow Christ with a whole heart. Then we can expect to be sent out into the world to make disciples of all nations – including into our workplace and neighbourhood."

These 10 sessions explore lessons drawn from Jesus' disciples and with each, you discover different aspects of a life spent in discipleship.

In August we considered Andrew – bringing others to Jesus by studying John1:35-42. In September we will look at Simon Peter – defending and rebuking Jesus from the passages Mark 1:16-20 and Mark 8:27-38.

If you would like to join us please contact the Pastor for the Zoom link and more details or view our events page for the date of the next session.


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As a Church we have been worshipping in Park Road for over 90 years. Our Sunday morning service is from 10am to 11am.  


Blaby Congregational Church

Park Road



United Kingdom


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