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Easter Message 2022

Dear Friends

I write this as we are remembering TWO years of Lockdown for those who have lost their lives and loved ones at this time. Our world is getting used to living with a ‘new normal’ and COVID. However, whatever happens in the world the message of Easter remains the same and has done so, for the last 2000 years. The message of the love of God for us has remained the same forever. This consistency in a changing world brings us hope and security.

For the people of Ukraine this Easter will bring heartache for they have lost their homes, their jobs, families are living miles apart and their country is being decimated. Yet in their defiance they believe that God is with them, and faith is still strong. For them may the hope of Easter be a peace that is strong and a unity in building up their land again.

That first Easter the disciples felt lost and alone, afraid, unsure and completely confused. Easter Sunday was like the light breaking forth from the darkness, bringing hope and making the disciples feel so happy, once they knew He really was alive. Can you imagine all sorts of emotions that the disciples felt over the three days?

With the hindsight of the years, we read the story almost without emotion. Yet we really need to stop and read the story slowly and meditate on the words and the feelings of those who were part of the first Easter. Familiarity means that we sometimes fail to understand just what it cost Jesus to die for us. We need to sit in awe at the foot of the cross and truly understand that God loves us so much that He gave His only Son to us. Once we understand that, then our only response is to worship Him and give to Him all that we have, our humble thankful hearts.

One of my all-time favourite hymns is ‘When I survey the wonderous cross’, but particularly the last verse which encapsulates our response to the love of Jesus.

Were the whole realm of nature mine that were an offering far too small Love so amazing, so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all

May I wish you all a very Happy Easter and may the joy and hope of the resurrected Jesus be with you all this year and every more.

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God Bless



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Park Road



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