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Harvest Weekend

This year we did not have a coffee morning, but we did celebrate the gift of Harvest from God on the Sunday of the 19th September. Our morning service was very well attended, as we gave thanks to God for His provision to us.

We began by singing ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ a good traditional Harvest hymn. Our bible readings of Psalm 104:1-23 and Matthew 22:37-40 set the scene for the service. The talk focused on God’s love for His creation, how we’ve damaged creation, the hope we find in Jesus, and an invitation to respond. We saw how the beautiful world that God created for us all, had been badly managed and so damaged, to the point of almost destruction. We have the hope of Jesus who can heal all of creation and ourselves and did this via His death and resurrection. Our response is to live in a way which heals relationships and creation, to give where we can to help others and to work for justice for all. There followed the singing of Beauty for Brokenness and our prayers. The service ended as we joyfully sang about leaving and going out with joy.

At the end of the service, we were able to buy the produce brought by the congregation for a basic harvest display. Hopefully, we will have made a good amount of money to send to the Community of Grace.

Thanks go to those who put the display structure up and to Vernie for displaying the gifts and to Julie in preparation and delivery of the service. Thank you all for bringing and buying food and contributing to our Harvest appeal. The final amount will be given out in Church in the coming weeks.

Fruit, vegetables and flowers on display at Blaby Congregational church
Harvest display


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